The Map Control panel provides 3 user selectable options to select various map views.
Strike Age - The system defaults to and has a maximum display time of the past 60 minutes. By using the triangle buttons, the map can be configured to restrict the display of storm activity for various amounts of time in 5 minute intervals. The setting here will also modify other data displayed such as the total number of strikes.
Map Zoom - The map zoom is comtrolled here and can currently be set from a 31 mile radius to a maximum of a 375 mile radius. Some info panels values will be based on the current map zoom.
Declutter - There are 6 different levels available for the Declutter mode - The available modes are; Level 0: Unfiltered, Level 1: Clusters, Level 2: Cloud-Ground, Level 3: Cloud to Ground Clusters, Level 4: Density (*LDP See Note below), Level 5: Storm Cells
*LDP mode (Lightning Density Plot) NexStorm will replace the normal plotting of strikes on the map with contour-filled areas derived from strike density. The LDP feature renders a radar-like image and is an excellent tool for determining where the most intense lightning activity is currently located.
LDP logic is based on a cell grid covering the full range map area. Once a predefined number of strikes fall into a cell, it will become active and included in the contouring process. LDP will contour adjacent cells and color the resulting area based on the density plot settings. Areas with a less aggregation of strikes are colored first and the densest aggregation areas last which will produce a contour-filled cell.